Financial Reporting Council Job Circular

Financial Reporting Council (FRC), established under the ‘Financial Reporting Act, 2015’ as a regulatory authority for the professional accounting, auditing and actuarial activities at all the public interest organizations of the country, invites applications from the eligible candidates for the following senior level full time positions.




Name of the post No of
Required Qualification and experience
i Executive Director-
Standard Setting
01 The candidate must have post-graduate degree in any of the
following disciplines-a)   Business Administration,b)   Accounting,

c)   Economics,

d)   Law,

e)   Finance,

f)   Banking,

g)   Professional fellowship/certificate/diploma (FCA, FCMA).
Experience: Candidate must have minimum 10 years of prac-
tical work experiences in the relevant Held matched with the
responsibility described in the section 23-25 of the ‘Financial
Reporting Act, 2015.'(

2 Executive Director-
Financial Reporting
3 Executive Director-
Audit Practice
4 Executive Director-
01 Minimum qualification: Graduation with Honours in Law
from a recognized university.Experience : Candidate must have minimum 10 years of prac-
tical work experience in the relevant field matched with the
responsibilities described in section 26 of the ‘Financial
Reporting Act, 2015’. (Website-ww

2. Compensation package: The jobs offer total 2,50,000/- (Two lacs and fifty thousand) taka per month only (including house rent and other allowances). A vehicle with a driver will also be provided as per existing government rules.
3. Nature of the job: The jobs will be on contract basis. The initial contract period will be 04 (four) years. The contract is renewable for a further period of 04 (four) years subject to satisfactory performance in the job. The maximum age limit for continuing with the job is 65 (sixty five) years.

4. General conditions for application :
a. Candidates should satisfy the conditions for eligibility as laid in section 13 of the ‘Financial Reporting Act, 2015’.
b. The name of the post applied for must be marked on the top of the envelope.
c. Persons employed in government/semi-government/ autonomous organizations and government-owned companies should apply through proper channel.
d. Ovvners/partners in audit Firms may not be eligible to apply.
e. Only short listed candidates will be invited for interview.
f. The Selection Committee reserves the right to reject/cancel any or all the applications or the selection process without assigning any reason.
g. The recruitment and selection process will be transparent and strictly on merit basis. Therefore, any effort on the part or on behalf of any candidate to influence the selection process in his/her favour will automatically disqualify him/her as a candidate.

5. Submission of application :
Interested candidates who satisfy the above criteria should send their applications along with attested copies of all educational/academic certificates, experience certificates, photocopy of National ID, 3 copies of recent passport size photographs and other relevant documents in a closed envelop by post or courier service. No application will be received by hand at the FRC office.

The application must reach the FRC office by 07.02.2018 (within office hours). The envelope should be addressed to :

The Secretary
Financial Reporting Council House No. 40/A, Road No. 20 Mohakhali DOHS, Dhaka-1206.

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