Bangladesh Red Crescent Society Job Circular

Bangladesh Red Crescent Society (BDRCS) invites applications from the eligible candidates for appointment in the post of DIRECTOR and two posts of DEPUTY DIRECTOR of the
Holy family Red Crescent Medical College Hospital on contractual basis. The posts are based in Dhaka.

The candidates must have post-graduation degree in any medical discipline with minimum working experience of 10 years for Director and 7 years for Deputy Director in hospital management either government or private hospitals. He/she must be within the age limit of 62 years.

Age and other qualifications may be relaxed in respect of an exceptionally experienced candidate. The candidates must be registered with the Bangladesh Medical and Dental Council (BMDC). Retired Govt., semi Govt., Army Medical Personnel will get preference.

Interested candidates may apply with full curriculum vitae with 2 copies of recent passport size photographs to the Chairman, Bangladesh Red Crescent Society, 684-686, Red Crescent Sarak, Bara Maghbazar, Dhaka 1217 by 18th April 2017.

The candidates must attach Pay Order/Bank Draft of Tk. 1000.00 (One Thousand) only (non-refundable in favor of the Holy Family Red Crescent Medical College Hospital.

The short listed eligible candidates will be called for interview. The authority reserves the right to accept or reject any application without assigning any reason whatsoever.

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